If At First You Don’t Succeed, Chai, Chai Again…

I was recently asked to share my masala chai recipe, and it brought forth many feels.  For one, hearing the phrase, “hot chai tea latte,” makes my brain melt from the nuclear-level redundancy, of which I am clearly not a fan. The other source of my ire is ginger, one of the staple spices of…

Sparkly Pegacorn Poo and the Quest for Hairvana

That title sounds way more interesting than what is actually happening. Sorry (not sorry). My journey down this path doesn’t have a clear beginning.  No matter the subject, I have always always opted for the route with the highest DIY potential. To my mind, making it at home is less work than buying it, and exactly…

Cold Snap, Cauliflower, and the Search for Lost Meals

FINE! I know we’re not really experiencing a cold snap in NY, but the recent fluctuation in temperature has been significant to my desert blood.  I need to satiate my dramatic urges by calling it all manner of things, and then comfort myself with a hot kitchen. Several years ago, I was fortunate enough to work in…

Botanical Butchery and the Birth of a Cocktail

It’s been rather chilly here, in NY, since I bottled the wild sodas/cordials, featured last week.   So much so, that I’ve left the lot of them on the deck to ferment further, in hopes of gaining some serious fizz factor.   I checked my babies this morning, and they are the epitome of bubbling brilliance, clinquant…

The British…The Landscapers Are Coming!

I am of the firm belief that we are placed where, and when, we are meant to be, and it is up to us to figure out what we are supposed to do while we are there. To that end, I’m immensely grateful to be living where I am, and to have arrived here right before…

‘Earthing’, Otherwise Known As Shoe-Free Frolicking, and More…

For a hermit proudly residing under a rock, this putting forth of one’s self will be a most interesting experience.  For one, there is learning to navigate and deploy social media to the greatest advantage.  But, more importantly, it is the discovery that much of what I have been doing since forever ago, is now a…

The Grass-Fed Alarm

This is a story about one of those days, of which I have many, where I, a self-diagnosed misophonic, am continually denied the serenity I so crave.  In the aftermath I chose to achieve catharsis through the re-telling, aided by egregious ‘imbibery’ of all the alcoholic things. On this day, I came home wanting nothing more…